Our courses

We take courses in modules. The acquired knowledge gives you confidence in practice.

  • Courses in various fields
  • Single modules may be attended only
  • Relevance of the acquired knowledge and qualification
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Our team

The instructors and managers in our team are constantly investing in improving their skills.

  • Security Officers
  • Solid international experience in the highest risk areas
  • They receive training at reputable institutions
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Knowledge validation

Do you have the necessary knowledge but do not have the diploma / certificate you need to work?

  • Find the module you need
  • View information about the knowledge you have gained in it
  • If you think you own them - take the exam directly
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CPE Terra

Looking forward to seeing you at CPE Terra!

Center for professional education since 2014

CPE "Terra" has its own material and technical base for training activities and has an agreement for the use of specialized bases in the Technical University of Sofia and professional bases in different directions in the country.

We work with qualified professors in the fields of medicine, law, technical sciences, economic sciences, etc. as well as training units of leading international companies and institutes in various fields.

At CPE Terra, we hold practical skills, not just theory, so 50% of hours involve on-site practice. The training standard has been specifically developed for the rapid uptake of information.

More about us

Useful information

Какво не знаем за отровните змии в България?

Какво не знаем за отровните змии в България?

Ето няколко полезни факта, които да имате предвид, ако имате близки срещи със змии ...

Какво да правим при ситуация с активен стрелец

Какво да правим при ситуация с активен стрелец

Какво е активен стрелец - това е въоръжено лице, прилагащо смъртоносна сила срещу други лица и продължаващо да го прави ...

Поведение при гръмотевична буря в помещение, в колата и на открито

Поведение при гръмотевична буря в помещение, в колата и на открито

Ако веднага след светкавицата се чува и гърмът, означава, че се намирате под гръмотевичния облак ...

Easy, Affordable, Motivating

Easy, Affordable, Motivating!


Choose a course View information about it!

The course modules we offer guarantee you a set of up-to-date core competencies.


Register for a module from a course!

You can only visit a single module from a course that gives you the knowledge you need.


Invest in your better future!

Security and confidence in your professional development.


Success stories

What do others say about us?

Обучение и практика плюс изключително подготвени преподаватели!

Квалификациите, добити от "Triskel International" с партньорство с ЦПО "Терра" са поредната голяма крачка към професионалната ми реализация!

Инструктор В.В.

Professional organization of the events, amazing course! 

"Behavior in terrorism and risk situations" - very useful training for people who travel a lot
Eleonora Valeva

Adequare training in tactical shooting with modern weapons, bodyguards, video surveillance and special driving!

The courses that CPE "Terra" organizes and conducts are in line with modern needs!

Vladislav Punchev

I am satisfied with the training, I have learned new things!

The teachers explain clearly and clearly. I'll be glad to see you again. I wish you much success in your new endeavors!

Emilian Evgeniev

Курсът "Tактическа стрелба с пистолет" беше много информативен и полезен!

Бих препоръчал Център за професионално обучение "Терра" за обучение на всички, защото ще им помогне да придобият истински опит, както и да бъдат отговорни и много по-ефективни при боравене с оръжие!

Atanas Neshkov

Обучението ми даде възможност да се срещна със специалисти в различни сфери на дейност

"Терра" са се погрижили за група във фейсбук, в която да се споделя полезна информация по темите на обучението им!

Plamen Monev

Latest news

Нови курсове по самозащита на улицата

Нови курсове по самозащита на улицата

Очаквайте през новата година нашите нови курсове по самозащита, подходящи за жени, мъже и деца над 15 г.

Training of specialists in the field of hydraulic and pneumatic engineering

Training of specialists in the field of hydraulic and pneumatic engineering

HID-TEK Plovdiv and CPE Terra with opportunities for joint modules for training of specialists in the field of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment ...

English language training for foreigners

English language training for foreigners

As of 2018, CPE Terra offers training in English for foreigners - specialists of the third category in two areas: "Disaster, accident and catastrophe" and "Ecology". Successfully complete the course ...

Our partners

We are pleased to partner with the following companies

If you have any questions call us on +359 879 434 951